Thursday, April 30, 2009

Truthful Thursday

Well, I am just not sure how 'truthful' I really want to be today . . .

I cleaned alot yesterday, and TRUTHFULLY, I should be cleaning the kitchen instead of blogging.

TRUTHFULLY, I didn't school the kids today (or yesterday, but I had a reason not to school them yesterday, and TRUTH BE TOLD, I did have a class called "how to rearrange furniture without having to move any pictures on the wall" and "how NOT to organize" and maybe could have had one called "Things you shouldn't find in the couch"), but instead I have spent more time on the computer than I would like to admit and played some Wii with the kids . . .I am going to go now and prepare something for supper and read to Ethan (he loves that). He also just told me to 'tickle his epidermis' . . .he is only 6, so I am doing something right!!

P.S. He followed that up by saying "How many layers of skin do we have?" and when I replied 3 (I think that is right: UPDATE: It is, Epidermis, Dermis and Hypodermis (also known as Subsomething)) his reply was "You look like you have a lot more than that" . . . I just decided, we are having Ethan for dinner!! LOL

Truth: I need to lose some weight

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Picture post update from Wacky Wednesday . . .

Living Room Before (from the boys' room)

Living Room after (from the boys' room)

Living room before (from the kitchen)

Living Room after (from the kitchen)
The biggest deal was to get the desktop computer moved from the bedroom into the living room . . .I am not super excited about having it next to the television, but it will work for now . . .

Another shot of the living room from the kitchen to show off the deer mounts (Mark would appreciate that)
This is embarrasing . . .
The Master Bedroom before

The Master Bedroom after

Oh, I am exhausted, so I called the hubby and had him bring Sonic home for dinner . . .I will work on the kitchen and the bathrooms tomorrow!

P.S. Still looking for that VERSE ONE WOMAN! (She wasn't under the couch . . hee hee)

Wacky Wednesday

Okay, so I am supposed to 'gripe' about something today . . .(according to my previously laid out blogging plan, which I reserve the right to change at any given moment BTW)

I could blog about the slow driver driving slow just to make me mad this morning . . . or the chanting softball team we played last night. . . or about the way my husband talked to me earlier, but honestly, I can't do anything about those things! Seriously, who would want to read about them anyway? My April 28th resolution is to only gripe about things I can change!! (Baby steps, baby steps) . . .

SO, with the New Resolution in place, the only thing I have to gripe about today is (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) . . . the state of my living room and master bedroom . . .ridiculous really. I am a stay at home mom, and there is NO reason that my house shouldn't be top notch at any given moment, right??!!?? Okay, I don't believe that either (and if you do, we probably wouldn't get along really well LOL). I do believe though, that I have let my priorities get a LITTLE out of whack . . . (okay, fine, a lot, but let's just keep that to ourselves!) I have such good intentions, but everything really is futile if you aren't doing it for the right reasons, or with the right attitude.

Proverbs 31 Woman. . .BLAH, BLAH, BLAH . . . Someday, but right now I am okay being just a Proverbs 31 VERSE 10 WOMAN: "A wife of noble character who can find?" . . .lets just start there and look for her . . .(remember, baby steps) . . .I am going to start looking for her under the couch (this might take awhile, be patient with me) I will update this post with before and after pictures . . .mostly just to embarrass myself and then to get the expected praise at how great I did from you guys later!

Don't disappoint . . . ;-)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tid Bit Tuesday

So I said ". . .$1.00 a pill? I don't care" . . .and I popped 2 of them!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Manic Monday

Well, this post is going to be kinda short and sweet . . .Mark was off work since Tuesday afternoon, so the week ran into the weekend.
Thursday we took the kids on a 2 hour four wheel ride, they loved it!
We had a ball game Thursday night, Garrett did well and got on base (by a walk). I told him the first base hit he got I would buy him batting gloves, so he is very excited about that.
Friday one of my good friends came over and brought her girls and they stayed for a few hours. It was nice to catch up with her and visit!
Friday night, nothing.
Saturday night I watched Kuffs for the 50th time . . .I love Christian Slater in that movie! I also watched Donnie Brasco, with Johnny Depp for the first time and really liked it.
Sunday we hung out at my parents for lunch and played some ball in the yard with the kids.

Today I start exercising and changing my thought process on alot of things, I am looking forward to some positive changes in my life . . .

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Okay, here are my ideas . . .
Manic Mondays: An update on my crazy weekends
Tid Bit Tuesdays: Just a teaser for a later story . . .(thanks to my SIL for the idea)
Wacky Wednesdays: My grip day . . .if you don't read on Wednesdays, I will totally understand!
Truthful Thursdays: I bare my soul . . .(as much as one will on line for everyone to read. I may just pull from my private blog with editing for this one)
Faithful Friday: A favorite verse from the week and my thoughts on it!
Sanity Saturdays: Whatever I need to write about (or choose NOT to write) to keep my sanity!
Sundays: . . .Well, this may be a day of rest most of the time, but it might be misc. depending on how I feel . . .Or I may promote a website or a blog that I partake of and think you might like!
I am open for suggestions or ideas and plan on starting this 'format' on Monday!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm back . . .

. . .and I am going to be blogging on a more regular basis again! I have missed it (and my sanity). It may take awhile to get back in the swing of things, but I have some ideas that I think are going to be pretty good . . I will post them later! Hugs to all!!