Monday, April 27, 2009

Manic Monday

Well, this post is going to be kinda short and sweet . . .Mark was off work since Tuesday afternoon, so the week ran into the weekend.
Thursday we took the kids on a 2 hour four wheel ride, they loved it!
We had a ball game Thursday night, Garrett did well and got on base (by a walk). I told him the first base hit he got I would buy him batting gloves, so he is very excited about that.
Friday one of my good friends came over and brought her girls and they stayed for a few hours. It was nice to catch up with her and visit!
Friday night, nothing.
Saturday night I watched Kuffs for the 50th time . . .I love Christian Slater in that movie! I also watched Donnie Brasco, with Johnny Depp for the first time and really liked it.
Sunday we hung out at my parents for lunch and played some ball in the yard with the kids.

Today I start exercising and changing my thought process on alot of things, I am looking forward to some positive changes in my life . . .

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